Deciphering Deep discounting under Indian Competition Law: Resolving the dilemma
The technological advancements of recent decades have revolutionized market dynamics, most notably through the advent of what is known as...
Deciphering Deep discounting under Indian Competition Law: Resolving the dilemma
Making a case against Amazon: Anti-competitive charges by the European Union.
Pay for Delay Agreements: A Tussle between Competition and Patent Laws
The ‘Vocal for Local’ Campaign and its impact on Post-COVID Foreign Direct Investment policies.
Are the Competition Act and Patent Act really FRANDS?
The Illegality of India’s FDI Policy –Revising WTO’s Legal Limbo
The Validity of the Restrictions imposed by India on Public Procurement from Neighbouring countries:
The Digital Conundrum – Has India violated GATS?
CCI: A prisoner of Locus Standi
NUJS Lecture Series: Latest developments and challenges u/s 3 of the Competition Act, 2002.